Monday, September 27, 2010

5 Ways To Save At Starbucks... from a Starbucks employee.

#1.)  Get refills!  If you keep your Starbucks cup, you can get a coffee refill anytime for 50 cents.  If you bring in your own reusable cup, you get 10 cents off.  Being green saves some green. 


#2.)  Get a Starbucks card.  Using their rewards card, get free drinks and refills.


#3.)  Make it a "poor man's latte."  Instead of ordering a latte, order an espresso over ice in a large cup.  Then go over to their "condiments" station and fill the rest of the cup up with their free milk.


#4.)  Don't order the bananas or bagels.  The pastries at Starbucks are pretty good and fairly priced.  But the bananas are more expensive than ones you'd get at a grocery store, and the bagels are known to be fairly low quality.


#5.)  Make your own iced drink.  When you order an iced drink, you get a lot less actual coffee or tea because the ice takes up so much space.  For a better value, you can order a hot drink -- then order a cup with ice, and pour in your drink.

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