Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Katie Holmes' lip speaks out: "Katie Holmes is pregnant!"

This is a bizarre rumor. But when speaking of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, bizarre is the norm. Rumors have broke out (no pun intended) that Katie Holmes is pregnant with martian #2. [Sidenote: Suri is an adorable martian.] The bizarre part is why the rumors have started.

They started because Katie got this sore on her lip. Egads. Gross.

We've seen Katie with this sore twice before. Once when pregnant with Suri. Once randomly. So... when Katie has a nasty sore on her lip, 50% of the time she's preggo.


Do you think she's pregnant?? Maybe it's the hormones.
Do you think she's not??? Herpes sucks. And there's a cream for that.

Vote up top.

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