Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Behold: "Cheesus"

A couple, Dan and Sara Bell, from Dallas, Texas were ready to leave town when they decided to buy a 99-cent bag of Cheetos and finally found Jesus as ridiculous as it may sound. Jesus can be found everywhere so why not in a cheese snack…

Sara recalls the discovery. “I was putting them in my hand and I had eaten most of the ones in my hand, and one was left lying there. And I said, ‘Oh my gosh, look at this. It really looks like a person in a robe praying.’”

Dan looked over. “I said, ‘Wow, it does look like a praying Jesus.’”

They decided to name the two inch “Jesus,” which they say has “body, hair, robe and even a tiny face” but is missing a right arm, “Cheesus”. The couple has decided to make some money out of this funny inspiring Jesus-shaped Cheeto and they are going to sell it on eBay.


Anonymous said...

that is so stupid.. wow..

Bradilynn said...

it says its missing a right arm, i live near a cemetary and they have a statue of jesus, and that doesnt have a right arm either, weird, isn't it?

Unknown said...

So are you saying that cheeto really IS Jesus??? hahaha :)

Ashley said...

Haha!! That's really ridiculous. You should totally keep us updated on how much "Cheesus" goes for on e-bay. :]